American-Soviets (Remix 2014) VERIFIED
That means that all of these examples from 1957 are only the tip of the iceberg. If the pre-1978 laws were still in effect, we could have seen 85% of the works published in 1985 enter the public domain on January 1, 2014. Imagine what that would mean to our archives, our libraries, our schools and our culture. Such works could be digitized, preserved, and made available for education, for research, for future creators. Instead, they will remain under copyright for decades to come, perhaps even into the next century.
American-Soviets (Remix 2014)
We searched multiple electronic databases and the grey literature up to March 2014. Two reviewers completed, in duplicate and independently, the study selection, data abstraction and risk of bias assessment.
A variety of interventions have been recommended to combat the problem of drug counterfeiting. These include: legal actions and regulations on illicit traders, countermeasures using technologies, consumer education and cooperation with enforcement agencies.16 17 The need to identify effective anticounterfeiting strategies has recently been raised as a main policy concern by policymakers from several low-income and middle-income countries including the Eastern Mediterranean Region.18 As a response, the Center for Systematic Review on Health Policy and Systems Research (SPARK) held a stakeholder meeting in Lebanon on January 2014 with 14 policymakers and stakeholders, including representatives from the Ministry of Public Health, Order of Pharmacy, order of physicians and practicing pharmacists. The members were engaged in framing the review question for the current systematic review.
We searched the following electronic databases up to March 2014: Medline, Pubmed, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Global Health Library, Rx for change, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Health Systems Evidence, Cab Direct, Academic Search Complete, Google Scholar, Mednar, GreylitNetwork and Opengrey. 041b061a72